How to insert images in your Hexo post

I had started using of Hexo, but Hexo docs are not exhaustive.
So I have decided to describe in my blog how it can be done in different ways.
You can choose yourself.

After Hexo instalation your folder tree looks like:

+-- _config.yml
+-- package.json
+-- scaffolds
+-- scripts
+-- source
|   +-- _drafts
|   L-- _posts
L-- themes

I will describe about the structure in next time. Now we should look at source folder.


Source folder. This is where you put your site’s content.
Hexo ignores hidden files and files or folders whose names are prefixed with _ (underscore) - except the _posts folder.
Renderable files (e.g. Markdown, HTML) will be processed and put into the public folder, while other files will simply be copied.

So. Let’s create a new images folder inside of source folder:

+-- _config.yml
+-- package.json
+-- scaffolds
+-- scripts
+-- source
|   +-- images
|   +-- _drafts
|   L-- _posts
L-- themes

This images folder will simply be copied to public folder when you type hexo generate command.

Let’s insert test.png file to images folder.
and create a new article:


$ hexo new insert-image-to-post

Above command will created file(post)
In the end file we should insert string:

![Test PNG image ](/images/test.png)

Also when you view your site by hexo server all should look good.